Sunday, May 2, 2010

What took us so long

It's interesting all of the panic that is going on within the industry about saving their events.

Ok when revenue was good like the dotcom and the mortgage business nobody cared. Also were people as upset about the costs of doing a tradeshow pre-economic failures? The answer is they didn't like them but there were not completely freaked out as they viewed this as the cost of doing business and probably never evaluated the return.

Now we are being judged on what we bring to the table and our trust factor has been questioned as well as we all try to move forward. I cannot speak for everyone in the industry as what we can work on to reduce costs for our exhibitor base. I also know the forgotten element in all of this pr war is the attendee and there costs to come to a s show. Remember they are committing their time and money to come to your event.

How many exhibitors can say the can access people that are willing to spend their time and money to come to their office. Not many I'm sure less than 5%. So that is one of our values that we need to continue to build on as we move forward.

We need to reduce costs where we can for our customers whereever that is possible and we need to work in unison with show management and our vendors to do so. What is best answer for that, I can only say open engagement with all of the paricipants. I have always felt that we need to work in partnership with everyone to provide the best product possible. We are only as good as our last event remember that for all parties that can sink the ship of success.

The fact is we are a marketing vehicle and we need to remember our core as we move forward. Our responsiblity is to market our exhibitiors to their customers.

Next we are a faciliator. We need to to facilitate involvment with our attendee and exhibitors. We will talk about this in more detail in another blog.

The reality of what I'm saying above and below and now is why did we wait for the economics of business to get us to think about improving our products.

The answere is we didn't have to. You know what that is not a good answer as we should continue to improve our product and be ahead of the curve.
How many of you are ahead of the curve? How many of you can say it didn't take us long we were already there?

Look forward to your comments, thoughts and suggestions.

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