Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Are you Hungry?

Guess what even in today's diet world we are still hungary looking for the revenue buffet.

Wasn't great when they just bought everything and you didn't have to worry about because the money was flush and they meaning the exibitors were flush with dollars to spend on your marketing promotion programs on-site that had no tangible results.

You say no we have results we track the looks to the banners, flags etc. We actually use the previvous lead generations from previous on-site sponsorships to determine their uptick roi. Ok if you do that great for you as you should use that metric to see if these companies that bought these products experienced and ROI positive by buying these on site opps. If not you have a problem because they will now want results based upon their comittment of thousands of dollars supporting your program offerings.

Also in todays internet world the upsale is gone because you really are pushing them to go online to purchase the products with no involment with the sales staff.

Is this a good thing? I say no, these exhibitor already purchased exhibit space and you are telling me that your exhibit sales team has no time to engage them in this processs. It's quite sad when you think about it.

I will try to write another blog on this matter at another time. However how many calls meaning telephone calls does your sales team make to your exhibitor base with these offering?

How many of the x amount of exhibitors do you see f2f to explain not only the exhibit space but your offerings as well and how you will deliver the audience with their help.

One of my point is do you hav sales people that are afraid to pick up the phone and do you think you might need to replace the order takers with real sales people?

Think about it and also think about how are you motivating your sales team. Also don't let the sales team believe the excuses of the industry you serve. Also do not punish them if the effort has been made and results fell short.

You need to be on top of this don't just let them email, take the call ins, make them engage the people to come in.

A call report stilll matters. At the same time don't drain them with reports let them sell. But again if the outbound phone calls are not happening you are in trouble and have lost out on income

Keep it real, sales still requires phone calls

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