Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Internet

The Internet has taken down several large groups such as publishing. Can the internet take down or hinder tradeshows and events? The question is out there and I'm not sure anyone has a true answer and I doubt there are any good analytics to support it positively or negatively.

The reality is the internet is here to stay and I also believe tradeshow are here to stay.  Now how do we co-exist and capitalize on the tools of the internet?
Does someone out there have the master plan? I'm sure someone does or is working towards it. There is always an answer to every challenge the industry faces.

Now I need to ask are we getting the information that we need from all of our resources to succeed in this enviroment? Are we all on the same page moving forward from our vendors, venues, show management, exhibitors and attendees?

That is to me the holy grail how are we moving forward as a group. Not everyone of us is a big organization where we can continue to buy technology that works. Also how many of these technology offerings are really that good and how many of them will still be around when we need them?

I have alot of questions on the technology subject because we are being judged and challenged by it. Some industry sectors more so than others.

Ok how many of us have content managers, web designers. and I don't mean people that do it on a temp basis but people that are constantly working on our websites and our b2b online electronic programs. My guess is very few of us. We rely on what we have and ask our staff to do it while they are doing multiple jobs.

How many of us have hired a internet guru to work on our content, social media, e-newsletters, digital products, online offerings, seo, and more?

Again my guess is very few because you never see those jobs listed online. Which means I would assume that they don't exist.

Now I want to ask you another question for those that belong to IAEE,PCMA, MPI, ASAEetc. What tools and education are they offering you? Also how many of those groups are offering them at a cost instead of an added value?

I know with exhibitors many of us are offering added value programs for now to keep them in the show as we move more hybrid offfline and online. We do these at minimal cost or no costs to increase our value to our exhibitor base.
Now are the groups we belong to doing the same? Not so much from what I can see but I may not be reading everything from them.

I would love to start a group like I did on linkedin.com which is called exhibtions and events incubator group. I would also like to start a marketing, operations, etc. groups to keep us all connected on how we can help each other.

There are some programs out there Sam Lippmans Large Show Roundtable, IAEE events

I'm not trying to replace them as they are important but I want to find away to engage with my peer in a more informative way. I look forward to any suggestions on how we can go about doing that. If you look at the last tradeshow week lists of shows it's amazing the number of f2f events that exists and my guess that is doesn't cover every event in the USA let alone the world.

So utilizing the tools we have today how do we get all of us interacting in a mutually beneficial exchange.

I look forward to your thoughts on this subject because I believe we need to embrace the internet for all of the positives that it offers. We need to take advantage of it and see how it can benefit us the most. We use it everyday so we understand the importance of it. We just need to figure out as an industry how we can capitalize on it to make our f2f events stronger and more engaging for our customers attendees and exhibitors.

It's to late to fear it and to fear webinars, virtual events etc. we need to figure out how to make those tools part of our program. We also need to figure out the best practice to engage our customers online and in this internet world of offerings.

I look forward to your thoughts and how we can do all of this together

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