Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's been a wet summer but I'm not an expert on weather

Took another break thank goodness I'm not working on creating a novel that will make me any money or I'm not living on adsense money from google to survive.

I never had a diary so I'm not naturally built for blogging plus being a type c personality tends to lends to lack of caring about deadlines. Instead we buffer our deadlines and crash course when it's necessary.

Now as I get older I think I have moved to B personality. You never here about the B only the A and C.  Forget about the rest of the alphabet this is a A can C world. Kind of like being an expert vs. a beginner. 

Now there is nothing wrong with the person that has experience and know a thing or two about the items being discussed. Now the B person knows it but they don't call themselves and expert they refer to themselves as someone with knowledge. 

Who made the expert? Was it hype, intelligence, luck, connections, solid track record.  I don't know who decided Monet was genius and Decartes was so intelligent. I don't know who decide x was the best president ever. Is a expert also one that walks into a perfect situation and just manages it? Maybe.

I just watched the Steve Jobs movie, my kids went to Smurfs two.  I've read the book and I remember back in 95 or 97 when Apple stock was beginning to tank and was selling for around $30 a share. So was Papa Smurf or Steve Jobs an expert they both were in a way and in a way they were not.

To me an expert is anyone that has the basic knowledge to execute something and also aid and provide assistance to another person in order for them to be successful. I always like the samples you here in Wall Street and Trading Places. What's the difference between you and the guy with the cup or whatever.

Here is the reality we all have a brain and only utilize 20% of it. We also have a network of other brains that should get us to about 50% brain capacity. So if we are an expert why are we not operating at 100% capacity. I will leave that up to neuroscience. 

Here is my long winded point the expert may be sitting right next to you in flip flops and shorts and it may not be the person in the suite pants and tie recently back from the cleaners and a fresh shoe shine. 

You need to utilize your network it's not about the expert it's about the network in this business. Now don't get me wrong there are people that may know more but they may not be your expert for what you need.

Thanks for reading and look forward to any comments.

Also sorry for any grammatical errors. Here is my reality I see blogging as free flow. I just write what my mind thinks.

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