Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why are we slow to embrace Unconferences ?

It seems like such a no-brainer that their must be plenty of loopholes on why you don't see more Unconference tied into the marketing plans for tradeshows/events/conferences.
Is it the lack of control of the program? Is it that the ideas would be generated from our customer base of exhibitors attendees? Is their the fear of carpetbaggers jumping on the bandwagon to seize the opportunity at your events.
Is is the thought that their is no revenue in these Unconferences? Is there a concern these Unconference could upstate our own programs?

I'm not sure if any of these questions warrant the avoidance of embracing a new medium for us to provide value to our customers.

Now the question I have not asked how many people are even familiar with what a "Unconference" is? That could be the bigger question.

I will give a simple explanation and others are more than welcome to provide a deeper description or feel free to look it up on wikipedia.
An Unconference is a program that is put together by people that have a common interest and desire to meet and learn and network.
Topic could be "Effective Marketing Strategies for attendee promotion. Ok so I say here is the general topic. Next I spread the word using email and social media tools and heck even telephone calls to fellow marketing professionals. Next I say here is a general topic I think you could contribute to this as well and maybe you would like to discuss social media, another person public relations, another direct mail, another data mining. I think you get the idea of it. Next we schedule a meeting somewhere for all of us to gather.

We send out invivations, post it on our communities and get the viral movement going for a Unconference. Now let's say we get 10 people or 50 0r 100. The number doesn't matter as much as the topic and the facilitation of ideas in a networking f2f program.

Now take that idea and consider your a vendor to the tradeshow industry and you have marketing products. Well guess what you have your possible sponsor or sponsors. This will offset some costs hopefully and give these vendor an opportunity to reach their marketplace. It will also allow them an opportunity to access market intelligence for their products.
To me that sounds like an effective use of time.
Now consider you have show. Show closes at 4 or 5. Why not engage some thought leaders pre-show to engage in a "Unconference utilizing those meeting rooms that are not in use after the end of show. Or engage your hospitality partners in your city for a private room. As I've said in an earlier posts it's my belief that our job is to facilitate. So why not? Let's say you have network engineers and over 100 show up for this Unconference don't you think they could find a sponsor or two? I believe they would.

Now let's take this another step. We all go to other events in other cities for shows that may relate to ours. Why no re-engage your audience that will be attending that show that also attend your show to an "Unconference" they will see your group as a leader and they will appreciate the fact that you faciliated the event. What a great way to re-engage. Now you can do this anytime pre-show, during the show or post-show.

Unconference seems to make sense to me for all of us involved in the supply chain. The other interesting thing is why are registration companies, decorating companies, cities, cvb's, venues etc. not taking advantage of this new medium to engage their prospective and current customers.
Let's think outside the box and again facilitate some interaction that will lead to business and also allow you to gather market intelligence, while working with your customer base in a networking event.
Look forward to your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. i will steal your idea of unconferences jim.
    why not learn something new with a beer in hand?
