Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Taking the Dive into Social Media for Tradeshows

I've read so many books that relate to new ways of marketing. You can check me out on linkedin Jim Wulfekuhle and see the books I've read. I've shared them with others. On linkedin it asks if you want to make a recommendation I have not done so. I think like movies I like people to check it out themselves and come to their own conclusions.

Now not all of these books get into social media and not all of them will be relevant to your marketing engagement plans. Now there are alot of consultants out there that will advise you on how how to get into social media, starting groups, blogging, etc. I've talked to a few of them and the more I spoke to some of them, I came to the conclusion that for me really to understand it I didn't need a consultant I needed to my own research. I needed to get out there and play with it, test it and build it.

I went out and joined many groups, that I felt would cover some of my personal interest and others that would cover my professional interests. I started with linkedin, plaxo, xing and some others. I looked at the connections that everyone had, and saw the numbers continue to grow.
I'm said to myself ok I would like to get to 500 connections. Well I reached that goal and my connections are a very diverse group of people.
Next I said let me take these groups I've started and grow them. Right now I have some of the bigger groups for the industry sectors I'm trying to cover. Goal Accomplished? No. Now my goal is how to tap into these groups and get them involved. Get them discussing hot topics, challenges and provide solutions for one another.
I started a group called Exhibitons and Events Incubator Group. Were heading toward 300 members, I think it should be around 2,000. The challenge with the group is we have maybe 10 people that are openly engaging and many others watching. Now I know you will always have the watchers, but I'm like don't they have something on their mind they want to put out there. Now to me that means I've failed I've not found the holy grail to get them involved.
There is one group that I put out the question "What keeps you up late at night" I posed it in other groups as well but this one became a huge thread so much that they had to move into another discussion place. So it's finding the hearbeat of your group. You have to throw somethings out there to see what sticks.
Now I tend to be very methodical, I don't have a grand plan for discussion any more than I do for this blog. However I will say one thing about social media. You got to get out there to understand it. If you want to test it, test it on something you know about, join a group and engage after you watch for a while. Next step start your own group and try to build it. It doesn't need to be about your tradeshow or event. Next step do it for your event.

Now do you need to talk about when you had a glass of wine or that your sitting at starbucks. You make your choice. If it's what you want to talk about than go for it.

Now with social media you need to get a buy in from your company, your company's decision makers. It's hard to be out on the island by yourself. The buy in will more than likely not come easy. So you will need to get out there and provide some metrics, meaning member allocation with good titles and people that would fit your exhibitor or attendee profile.

Next be very open in social media. Being a trust agent is important. Be careful of selling as this is personal. Remember cell phones used to be the personal device. Social media is there as well. I want to control my space.

Now the powers that be will want to know how time is this going to take. I don't know, sometimes its quick, sometime it's longer there is no time limit. The key is I can do this day or night. Be willing to invest some personal time not to take away from your day duties.
Next how can we measure linkedin, twitter, facebook. Well the first time you will need to add communities to your registration form, use codes for discounted registration. This will give you an idea of who's out there.
Next realize your not going to get everyone to the event, but social media gives you viral access, which is huge. Look what happens online when something goes viral. It's crazy. You need to monitor your show name, your name to see where it's being picked-up. Get on google alerts. You will be amazed at what is picked up online.
I've found speakers on social communities, and met some great new people online that led to some great conversation f2f. Now how can that be a bad thing.
Personally to reach so many people with a click of the mouse is amazing and I don't understand why any would not want to do it.

Introducing your event to those that have never come and getting viral testimonials from others telling others they need to go is priceless.

If I only added 100 people to attend an event I would be ok with it. Now if our event had another 1,000 checking it out online using hybrid tools that would be great as well. Hybrid now that is a blog for another day.

The best thing I can say is dive into it, you will be glad you did. Not only will you connect with people similar to yourself but you will find a new world of help from people you never knew existed. Next just think about your customers exhibitors and attendees who will also benefit by reaching those people that they never knew who are facing similar challenges. Nice story I think.
The other items is when you all meet f2f it's pretty cool how it all comes full circle.

You will see me say this in several posts or in groups. Facilitate, Facilitate, Facilitate. I want us all to see how we can facilitate ideas, and opportunities and networking online and offline.

Take the dive into social media, I think you will be glad you did.

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