Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Social Media?

It's interesting here is a link to a video I always find interesting

Now cleary this pro social media. Ok so you take the term and you break it down to Social. Ok networking with friends, talking about where you went to eat and when you had a glass of wine or went on a good trip is all very social. People like to tell you all kinds of things on the web about their daily activities.  Now is that kind of like the movie Ed TV or a reality show yes but in a more easy to digest form.
Now let's look at the word media. How does media come into play? I don't know exactly but I will make an assumption because of blogging, and discussions this can become an informative form of media in a more diverse way. Media because it plays online and can be transported to print and television media.

Now how about social responsibility. Ok this can be media as well as it is very p.c. and develops a good ethical standard for everyone to operate by. Viral Social, well that is where the stream of tweets, blogs, message boards, chats,  texts, are all spread throughout the world in nano, seconds.

Social engagement, this is when you engage your network in discussions of topics of common interest, politics, the economy, manufacturing, jobs, marketing, operations, events, education, some common thread for all to jump on.

Social take-away. What's in it for all of those engaged in the discussion, what is the take away that will make we want to engage, drill down and come back for more and also spread the word for others to join in or follow as well.

Social watch; This is where we are not engaging but we are watching from and paying attention to the discussion and possibly gaining a take-away without engagement. It's also the learning curver where you observe and come to an understanding of the environment before you jump in.

Social freight train, to me this is when you are pushing your agenda with a lack of concern for the communities such as over product promotion.

Social trust, this is what we get when we all participate and gain from the experience at one time or another and we aid our fellow online social members.

Social acceptance can be many things but it's generally when the member is embraced into the community.

Social incubation, idea exchange and exploratory discussion and analysis of either existing products or those that should be developed and maybe some R&D assistance on enhancements.

Social leaderships, read the book called tribes by Seth Godin very interesting take on tribes and leaders.

Social reach, the power of reaching beyond your borders

Social Relationships, the power of becoming comfortable and engaging and trusting to someone you have met online and turning that into hopefully a positive f2f.

Social past, going back thru your memory card  and reaching out to those that have moved, transitioned or you have lost touch with.

Social future, new engagements, new relationships net connecting points

Social testimonials, this is your reference your person that says you have what it takes or this community has what they need. You could combine that with social reference.

Social Chain, how your connect to other networks and people thru your connection chain.

Social sales,  well there is alway some for of sales, the connections will lead to that.
Social marketing, again this is something that is done and is beneficial if done correctly.

Social intelligence, maybe the holy grail what we can take away and implement in our life or business.

Social Community; This is a place a neighborhood, for all of use with many common interests to gather and a place for those that have limited commonalities that want to gather to gain more information.

Now you may be saying where did all of the social terminologies come from? I have not read about them, I need more details. I don't know maybe they exist in some book out there or in some online community, I just wrote my thoughts on what I think of social.

The fact is is much of this is in our everyday lives and it's in our f2f events as well. Now can we do better at these social aspect yes? Some people confuse social with being a party person. Well that can be true but were not in the dorms right now with this discussion. Social tells me something has changed or there is lack of social in our everyday life that we are going online to obtain this ability.

Now the question is how do we do Social Connection and remove Social Disconnection?
We need to understand why we are either connected or disconnected with our communities by doing so we will improve our outlook.  Your doing something right for those connected to you and something wrong for those that choose to not connect.

I hope this gives everyone something to think about and see how Social impacts you personally and in business.

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