Monday, March 15, 2010

Do we chase the dollars or the customer/prospects ?

What a loaded question. Do we chase the dollars or the customers? Heck everyone is going to say the ?
Customers should be the answer but in reality do we chase the dollars. Now let me please clarify because I don't want to let any exhibitors off the hook and let's them assume they chase the customers.

Ok, yes some would say they are one in the same. Chasing the customers/prospects leads to dollars. Alright so were chasing dollars that is what everyone would like to believe that is anti-shows. Now everyone that is pro-show would like to say we are chasing customers. I hope so anyway.

Again if we look at in reality whether we are a vendor, show management, exhibitor or attendee we are all chasing dollars. Now I  would be glad to be corrected and be told that in the capitalist society we all live in that our primary purpose is not chasing the dollar chain.

So if that is the case then you say why is he even writing about chasing dollars, is he just trying to call us out and get us to admit were all in the game for the Revenue word.  No we all learned early in math classes about being positive in our numbers vs. negative. There is also a reason that debits and credits accounting is taught in high schools so you understand accounts receivable and payable. There is also a reason at a very young age we are all taught to understand currency and basic mathematics.  Now we all have went on to understand the higher standards of math as well. The reality is if you know basic math, division, multipliers etc. you are on your way to understanding the science of math. Again I have said this in previous blogs, math and numbers are they key to everything. Everyone I talk to I tell them numbers will provide you the answer to every problem. Scientist use numbers, doctors use numbers, theorists use numbers, generals and business use numbers as well.

Ok, so I bored you with Decartes, and Nietchie (sp) in reference to math. So let' s get back to the basics of the world of dollars or customers. I'm sorry I will touch on one more currency subject. Every empire that has desired to grow has done so based upon currency. Think about it all of the way back to biblical times. It's interesting if you look at history as well. How many conquerors would say they expanded their empire to expand their customer base? Not alot I suspect. How many of those conquerors and invaders can say they have had long term success based on that model. Most of the empires have disappeared or been engulfed by a new conqueror..

What does this have to do with the event business? Thanks for the historical but really come on does this have any value to my business?

Yes and Yes. See what is their meaning the conquering group or invader sustainability factor. Are they still in business, do they still control the world? Do they still control the currency of trade? Every group in history has been toppled in some form in their search for the holy grail of currency.

Now what if I was looking to expand my empire of customers? If I focused on the customer and not the dollars I could extract could I make more dollars. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying events, exhibitors, vendors, or attendees are in all it for the almighty currency. I'm saying that if we focus on the customer first and deliver a product that our customers can benefit from that will lead them to better serve their customer than have we not achieved the dollars and not put our house in jeopardy by only going after the money?

My point is focus on the customers, not the currency. If you deliver them a product that enables them to benefit and serve their customers with a product that helps them pay it forward to their customers than have you not won and found the "holy grail" I say yes.

Serving the customer base is key to our survival. That is what will ensure that we don't become victims of extinction because we have taken the steps and understand that the customer base that we have if served correctly will lead to new customers.

We want as many customers as we can have that fit our business model. We want them to be succesful based upon our offerings and if we do we are creating a sustainable program. This is critical to our survival and growth and should not be short-changed.

Give this some thought dollars or customers? I bet and hope you will decide customers because if you serve them correctly the currency will not be a problem.

Again thank you for reading the blog,  I'm sorry for any typos or lack of a plan on this blog. I'm doing this to engage a group and really just put my random thoughts out there and engage or as I say facilitate a response.

Thanks again for reading and best of luck with your business.

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